TOP Pack « Legalization and Translation »


Included in this TOP Pack are all of the operations offered in each of the two Packs separately (Legalization: CCI Paris, MEAE, Court of Appeal, … + Translation/CCFA: Sworn Translators, CC Franco-Arabic,…).

This pack does not include the Consular Fees or the Fees from the organizations mentioned above.

Once the operations have been carried out by us, it will then be necessary to supplement the payment already made either by credit card, bank transfer or check or by calling us at or by going to our offices 116 rue Lauriston 75116 Paris.

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Included in this TOP Pack are all of the operations offered in each of the two Packs separately (Legalization: CCI Paris, MEAE, Court of Appeal, … + Translation/CCFA: Sworn Translators, CC Franco-Arabic,…).

This pack does not include the Consular Fees or the Fees from the organizations mentioned above.

Once the operations have been carried out by us, it will then be necessary to supplement the payment already made either by credit card, bank transfer or check or by calling us at or by going to our offices 116 rue Lauriston 75116 Paris.

Additional information
