MULTI-RISK insurance 31-90 days



● Cancellation fees
– Serious illness, serious accident, death of the insured and his or her family members up to the second degree (including relapse, aggravation of illness)
– Pregnancy complications,
– Psychic, mental or nervous illnesses with hospitalization of more than 4 days,
– Contraindication and vaccination follow-up
– Economic layoffs,
– Serious harm to the home, secondary residence or business premises,
– Serious damage to the Insured’s vehicle,
– Invitation to a remedial exam (university only),
– Summons to appear in court as a juror, expert, or for the adoption of a child,
Deterioration or loss of passport
Late delivery of the passport
Refusal of Visa not motivated by the Consulate

According to the conditions of the cancellation fee schedule
6 000€ Maxi / person
40 000 €/event
Franchise : 30 €/person

In case of deterioration, destruction or theft: 800 €/person
Including valuables: 400 €
Deductible: 40 €/registered file

● Civil liability private life
Injury, material and immaterial damage: 4 500 000 €
Including consequential material and immaterial damage: 450 000 €
Deductible: 75 €/registered file

● Airport closure following natural disasters
Stay extension costs: 80 €/person/day, max 5 days
Deductible: 24 hours
Pre-routing : Maximum 100 €/person
Connection costs: Maximum 100 €/person

● Interruption of stay / activity
Following repatriation of the insured or return early (repayment on a pro rata basis)
Max 1 500 €/person
40 000 €/event
Deductible : 30 €/person

● Repatriation or medical transport:
Real costs

● Medical expenses outside the country of

75 000€ per person and 150 000 € in
country where stay extension

Deductible: 30 € /person
Dental deductible: 300 €

● Other guarantees of assistance
See pdf