Mar 16, 2022 | Country, New Zealand, Uncategorized
For EU countries in particular, “New Zealand will reopen its borders sooner than expected thanks to the country’s anti-Covid policy which has made it a “safe place to visit”, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said on Wednesday. Do you want to plan your stay and obtain...
Jan 10, 2022 | Country, TRAVEL
You wanted to have this product available on our website, online, it’s done! For travelers domiciled around the world, outside the Schengen area, and wishing to travel to a country in the Schengen area, we have also thought of you. We offer SCHENGEN insurance...
Oct 11, 2021 | Bangladesh, Chile, Cuba, Jordan, Mauritius, Mongolia, Nepal, Russia, Seychelles, Thailand, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates
Do you want to travel, Business or Tourism, to certain countries where health conditions are finally simpler? Please note, however, some countries require that you take out Medical / Repatriation Insurance (COVID19), a sine qua non condition for entering and staying...